Thursday, August 16, 2012

Core Aeration is second only to fertilizing

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Of all the things that build a healthy, thick lawn, core aeration is second only to lawn fertilizing. Core aeration (also known as cultivation) reduces thatch in your lawn while it opens the way for air, water and fertilizer to reach the root zone of the turf. Lawn aeration is the secret to getting the most out of your other lawn care services.

Keeping Thatch Under ControlThatch is the layer of dead and living stems, blades and roots that builds up on any well-maintained lawn. A small amount of thatch is a good thing, but when it gets over about a 1/2'' it becomes a problem. Thatch harbors insects and is a breeding place for lawn disease, too. Lawn aeration removes thousands of plugs of soil from your lawn and deposits them above the thatch. As the plugs begin to “melt” back into the lawn, the soil mixes with the thatch and speeds up the natural process of decomposition. By practicing regular lawn care aeration, thatch is managed and seldom becomes a serious (and expensive) problem.

Everyone Loves a Free MealFree food always brings in a crowd. It’s true of your lawn too. The growth pockets that are created when lawn aeration cores are removed put food and water in easy reach of the turf roots. The root system of the lawn actually grows toward these pockets and becomes deeper and stronger. Better roots mean a thicker and healthier lawn.

"Softer" SoilHeavy clay soils become very compacted over time. Clay soil particles are small and tightly packed with little space for water, air and root movement. We’ve all felt this kind of "hard" soil underfoot, and turf grass has a tough time growing deep roots when it has to fight so hard for room to grow. Core aeration services allow the soil to "relax" or expand which means roots can penetrate deeper and further. Over a period of time, this results in soil that is softer and more open. Lawn aeration/core cultivation is one of the best things you can do to improve and grow your lawn. Contact your neighborhood with questions about lawn aeration or any other best practices for growing grass.

  • Core aeration helps keep thatch under control, which reduces the need for expensive renovation.
  • Growth zones capture air, water and fertilizer, putting “dinner” within easy reach of the turf roots.
  • Soil compaction forces lawns to thin. Lawn aeration helps open the soil for better growth.

Darren M. GrunerPresident KentuckyBlue.Com,


  1. Thanks for sharing about Core aeration services.
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