Friday, October 14, 2011

Be sure to include Grub control treatments in your Monthly Lawn Care Program

Grub Control
Beetle grubs are a major cause of lawn damage each spring and fall in our area.  Grubs are the larvae stage of beetle cycles.  Adult beetles lay eggs from early to mid summer.  In a short time the eggs develop into grubworms which begin to feed on grass roots from mid summer until fall's cooler soil temperatures force them to seek refuge at deeper soil depths. The grubs then hibernate until spring temperatures warm the soil.  They then resume feeding until they pupate or "hatch" into mature beetles anywhere from late May through mid July.
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The resulting damage (which may show until the summer or
early in the spring)  appears as brown patches of dead turf
that enlarge as the grubs continue to feed.  To check for
grubs, pull at a section of dead turf.  It will roll back like a
swatch of carpet.  Dig down at the edge of a damaged area
and you will find the grubworms themselves; grayish, white
 grubs with gray or brown heads, approximately 1/2" to 3/4" long.  They will be curled into
the shape of the letter "C'.  Immature grubs are milky gray in color and resemble elongated
eggs.   They will be about 1/4" long. 

There are many variables in trying to achieve maximum grub control, including the type of
grub, the timing and type of insecticide, the amount of thatch, and how well the insecticide
 is watered into the soil.  Remember that maximum control is usually 80% to 90%. 
An otherwise healthy lawn can tolerate 4-6 grubs per square foot without showing grub

It is essential that any insecticide you apply be watered in immediately and thoroughly
 after application.  Water each area treated for at least one hour.The best time to treat
for grubs is mid-April to mid-May and July to mid-September.  Both Merit and Dylox
are relatively safe for humans and the environment.  The active ingredients in both are
very low and are broken down by soil organisms.  Yet, Dylox and Merit are both effective
 grub controls when timely and properly applied. 

Merit (Bayer's Season Long Grub Control or Grub Beater) gives 98% control of grubs
when applied from July 1st - August 15th.  It is best to water the product in well shortly
after application.

Dylox (Bayer's 24 hour Grub Kiler) has less of a residual effect and is best applied from
August 15th - September 15th and watered in thoroughlyBasically, Dylox breaks down
 quickly and should be applied when you check for grubs and see them.  Dylox may be
applied in early to mid April to kill resurfacing grubs, but since most of the grub damage
is done in early fall, hitting grubs then is most effective.

A good idea is to rotate these products by using one product one year and the other
product the next year so that a resistant population of grubs cannot build up.  Be sure to have KentuckyBlue.Com include these treatments in your "Monthly Lawn Care" Program.

Call KentuckyBlue.Com @ 1-888-722-7374 for the proper application of Dylox
and Merit for maximum grub control today!

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